Tuesday, March 08, 2005

classes per la seconda volta

if you have not yet read the first classes entry (two below), please do so, as you should listen to me and take a class with me so that i'm not totally bored. but don't interpret that as meaning that i'll be taking a boring class.

now, i am taking two classes here, for 8 units. that's not counting the grammar class that i destroyed in the month of feb, which was worth 4. so a 12 unit semester but really, much easier, though i guess being in italian should count for something. regardless i am slacking off much more than most of the other kids, who speak italian worse than i do, so that's a little messed up.

i am taking one class from boston U, modern italian lit (1860-present). i like the professor, he's nice as well as calm and knows his stuff. however, nobody other than me is very inclined to, you know, participate in class, which is frustrating. jamal does help me out sometimes. anyhow i don't know if the fact that the course requires reading stuff in italian is to blame (most of the people haven't had quite as much as i have), or if they just have nothing to say, but there are definitely a lot of awkward pauses and clearly wholly BSed statements floating around. i suppose that's not so different from most classes though, so, in summation, whatever.

the other class is from the actual university, and it is aesthetics (l'estetica). it's a philosophy course that will have to do with lots of stuff, originally i expected it to be mostly about beauty but it turns out to be a lot more, lots of metaphysical and epistemological questions about perception and sensation and such. we've had 3 classes so far (we being umrao and i and somehwere between 50 and 150 other italian students) and i understand everything pretty much effortlessly, which is nice. however, the time will come when i have to start reading schopenhauer in italian, which might be slightly difficult. in fact i'm relatively sure that it will be.

and that just about sums up all of my classes. of course i am reading some other stuff, unamuno and leopardi and all that. so uhhh...yes, there is your update. and once again, check out the other classes post, and then take a class with me.


Blogger Mike said...

"so a 12 unit semester but really, much easier, though i guess being in italian should count for something."

my semester is in italian, by which i mean that the language spoken in my classes is italian. non ho sbagliato. i did not mess up. at worst, it was slightly ambiguous.

anyway, cool. check your email.

1:18 PM  

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